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Corina Synowicki

I met Corina when I lived in Flagstaff, Arizona. I worked with her amazing husband, Bob and we all quickly became dear friends (probably because we share the same misguided sense of humor!). She is one of the best mirrors I have in my life. She sees me for who I am and loves me anyway. She also not afraid to show me the truth even when I don't want to see it. Corina, Bob and their son, Alec (who I call my "heart nephew") are a gift from God I never expected. Introducing them to my Chris was so easy and natural. While they may need to be absent from our wedding, there are never absent in my heart.

Marianne Reagan-Salcedo

Oh my sweet friend Marianne. We met through a mutual friend and while that friendship did not last for me, she and I just got closer. It's hard for me to put into words what she means to me. She is one of the few people I can be quiet with. She is my unofficial therapist. She has been known to drop everything to be by my side. In many ways, she is the closest thing to a sister that I have ever had. Watching her date her now husband, Jorge, was pure joy. Acting as her maid of honor gave me so much joy because you can see how right it is. When their daughter Amalia was born... wow! Marianne is my pretty, witty and charming rock of Gibraltar whom I could not love more if I tried.

Jeannine Spiller-Hisey

Jeannine is one of the friends I have known the longest. We met the summer before 7th grade in a summer school typing class. She annoyed the hell out of me. First because she stole my comb and then because I couldn't remember her damn name which I had never heard before! None the less we became friends. I have a file of letters and cards that she sent to me over the 40 odd years of our friendship that are pointnent and funny all at the same time. We have sometimes gone years without speaking but talking to her is just like coming home. In many ways, she defined my childhood and transition into adulthood. She never sugar coats anything which is one of the things I love about her most. She is also goofy, brillant and sincere. On live the frished sqoggys and bare children!

Sherry Arroyo

I met Sherry when I worked for the American Red Cross. She actually was one of the reasons I got the job as she one part of my interview process doing a ride a long with her. As we got to know each other there was an instant connection. We kept each others confidences and I knew she was going to be an important part of my world we got lost on the way to a Garth Brooks concert and only had time to grab a cocktail or crappy food at the venue... you already know the answer! She was also the woman who convinced me to go out with Chris and she and her future husband, Mynor insisted I come freshen up at their home. At their wedding they made darn sure I caught the bouquet and Chris caught the garter. I believe they were some of the biggest champions for our relationship to work. Through the ups and downs over the last 8 years, Sherry has remained a voice of reason and can always sees the glass as full... especially if it is a margarita!

Camille Bally

I met this gorgeous young lady shortly after Chris and I started dating. Camille is the daughter of Chris's youngest sister. She is a rising star in my mind and one of those young adults that I know will change the world for the better. Her mom, Jacqui, told me when she heard Chris and I got engaged her excited response was "It's so romantic"! That made me smile. I am looking better to watching her grow into herself and am so blessed to call her family.

Curtis Thompson

I met this wonderful guy when I started working at Living Spaces. He was my direct supervisor and I tell you it was like at first sight. I have rarely met someone who I can battle wits with so easily (he is pretty much 2nd to Chris). He has the biggest heart of anyone I know, with the sharpest tongue! In addition to being an ordained minister from Texas he is also an incredible photographer. Some of the best days we have spent together have been just driving around to take random pictures together. When Chris and I talked about getting married we wanted to be married by someone who understands us and our quirkiness. Curtis immediately came to mind. He is a soother of souls and all that implies.

Marc Richter

Marc and I met in I think eighth grade when he moved to Encino, and while we were friends, it wasn't until college that we became best friends. Don't even know how or why, but he has been my rock ever since. Always game for a road trip, we've done Grateful Dead shows, an epic four-wheeling trip to Pismo Beach and a legendary Stones concert where the opening act, Prince, got booed off the stage. And if you need to find a hole-in-the-wall restaurant, he is the guy to ask. Glad he'll be standing up for me on our big day.

Charlie Mayrsohn

I met Charlie through my then-roommate, Darryl Morden, 30-plus years ago.  And it's been "on" ever since. I am so thrilled that Cheryl hit it off immediately with Charlie and his wonderful wife Lorraine, and that we have dinner partners just over the hill in Chatsworth whenever we can find the time.

Chet Renner

Chet and I met when we were both living in North Hollywood. He was working at Universal Studios, and my place was a convenient stop on his way home. We'd sit and watch sports and talk books and life. The worst part of moving to Simi Valley is not having Chet being able to stop by three or four times a week, but I'm glad he'll be part of our wedding.

Michael Schumacher

Michael was my assistant on a movie called "Almost Heroes" (aka "Edwards and Hunt"). He was right out of college, and took to the work like a duck takes to water. Learned everything fast, and never had to be told anything twice. He had my back even when I was at my craziest (and every movie was crazy, believe me) and I am proud to call him my friend and glad he'll be a member of our party.